Fully automated, random access system for immunoassay analysis.Up to 88 samples/hr
18 channels/reagent slots for up to 18 different assays
Programmable parameters: Max 60 assays definable via 2D-barcode (programming by loading)
Load/unload capacity 30 samples (disk)
75 samples on 15 racks
Orgentec - Alegria®

Fully automatic analytical instrument Alegria® can be used for both product lines from ORGENTEC Diagnostika, as well as for autoimmune diagnostics and infection disease serology.
Alegria® is not limited to specific sample numbers. Even individual samples can be rapidly and economically analyzed with this instrument – or up to 30 samples can be processed in a single run, in any combination. This makes Alegria®especially attractive for laboratories with average or lower sample frequency or for acute diagnostics.
We also supply full spectrum of Reagents, Calibrators and QC for immunology analyzers.